Tranquility Groups for Seniors



Are your independent-living or assisted-living residents experiencing stress or anxiety? There is a solution.

Tranquility Groups offer simple, easy-to-learn practices that seniors can use to manage difficult everyday emotions. You already take care of their needs in so many ways. Regular support from a certified and experienced practitioner addresses their anxiety in the comfort of familiar surroundings, helping to give them the peace of mind to enjoy their lives.


Many seniors may not feel comfortable discussing their worries and anxieties. By focusing on feelings of calm and equilibrium, we allow them to connect with inner peace, making it more difficult for anxiety to take hold.

Simple, clinically proven tools like EFT tapping and heart-mind coherence breathing* (based on the HeartMath Institute’s Appreciation Tool) are easy to learn and implement. Once learned, they offer continuous support even when the teacher is not on site. Leave-behind materials help refresh residents’ memories between groups sessions.

Other residents and family members can be affected by anxiety in a person they share their lives with. When residents feel calmer, there is a ripple effect throughout the community. And the family can feel more peace of mind knowing that their loved one is enjoying a more peaceful life.

"I use the tapping in between groups. If I’m thinking about something stressful, I tap and it helps. I almost fell asleep during the guided meditation I was so relaxed. Thank you"

~E. Brickman, Independent living resident, Portland OR

"It relaxed me and calmed me. It was very soothing and it took me to a good place. I really enjoyed it, and I’d like to do it again. It helps me when I get anxious. Gives me a place to go when I want to relax myself”

~ C. Harner, Assisted living resident, Tigard OR


Living with uncomfortable emotions can really affect the quality of your golden years. This should be a time to relax and appreciate the simple things. Regular participation in Tranquility Groups can promote enjoyment of this special time of life.


About Elizabeth Sloan, your group facilitator

I am no stranger to anxiety and stress. From being bullied at school to choosing a career in the high-octane entertainment industry, I thrived on stress for many years, because it felt familiar in an uncomfortable way. After hitting burnout in 2016, I had to find a way to be happy. I learned the tools and modalities that ultimately gave me back my life.

So I traded my stressful work at a large corporation for a mellow and rewarding practice helping my clients achieve emotional freedom. I am certified in EFT Tapping, NLP, Hypnotherapy and LifeStream Neurofeedback. I am also a Reiki Master. I see clients at my office in Portland, OR, or from all over the world online via Zoom. Nothing gives me a greater sense of satisfaction than seeing a beloved client experience a deep, life-changing shift.

Recently, while visiting a female resident of an assisted living residence near me, she told me that she was constantly anxious. She added that many of her neighbors in the residence were also anxious. I asked if she would find it helpful to learn some tools for managing anxiety in a group setting. Her enthusiasm for that idea and the subsequent approval of the administrator of the residence led me to form the first Tranquility Group. It was a success. So I was encouraged to focus on reaching many seniors who are experiencing emotional discomfort, and “Tranquility Groups” were born.

Private or group sessions can be in-person or online.

Anxious or stressed residents can feel isolated – like no one understands.

As we mature, we often carry worries or resentments from unresolved issues in the past. This can lead to anxiety.

Addressing stress and anxiety with fellow residents can build a sense of community. Residents can feel stronger together.

Anxious or irritable residents can affect the whole mood in a residential community. Coming together in a group to manage difficult emotions promotes communal well-being.

Living with stress has a measurable impact on overall health. Releasing tension from the mind and body allows a more healthy life.

Feeling anxiety into mature years is missing out on enjoying a time of life that could be filled with relaxation, reflection, and peace.

*EFT Tapping and HeartMind breathing techniques are not medical treatments. They do not replace the work you are doing with your licensed clinician. Elizabeth Sloan does not give medical advice.

Contact me now to discuss your needs.

Tel: (213) 706-3562


Or schedule a 20-minute phone consultation here: