The only unique contribution that we will ever make in this world will be born of our creativity.
— Brené Brown

Learn the keys to connect with your infinite creative flow so you can expand with grace and ease.

Join this enjoyable 5-day challenge to:

  • Teach your subconscious mind that it’s safe to be wildly successful as a creative artist without compromising who you are.

  • Get in touch with your flow of creativity on a deeper level than ever before so you can create with confidence.

  • Learn how to train your mind to stop thinking negative thoughts about your potential so you can break free of limiting blocks.

  • Feel more peace in your life and trust your heart so you can expand beyond where you are now.

  • Be ready to shift into the success and recognition you deserve. It really does start with you.


IMPORTANT: You will be sent an email to confirm you’re a real human. Be sure to check your spam /junk /promotions /folders if you don’t see the confirmation email in your inbox. AND WHITE-LIST THE EMAIL ADDRESS SO THAT YOU RECEIVE ALL THE MATERIALS. Thank you



From female musician clients:

I have loved everything about this creative challenge! … After the first day of the challenge, I felt my creative spark burst into flame and I have begun writing a new piano piece. I have made plans of releasing a new album and I don’t doubt the money will show up for me! Thank you for reminding me of my love of and belief in my art!

~ E, Composer and musician, recent challenge participant.

“Elizabeth Sloan has transformed my life through her Grounded Alignment practice. I keep hearing the words “I’ve been reborn” in my mind, because I have been. I’ve stopped feeling angry. I’ve stopped feeling inadequate. I’ve stopped worrying and being afraid of so much. I have this new, unoccupied space in me that’s available for warmth and lovely things.”

~ M. Multi-media artist, Portland, OR

“With Elizabeth’s guidance, I addressed and looked at fear, doubt and unworthiness dead in the face, and was able to move some of that stuck energy out of my orbit for the first time in a long time. She so kindly, and without judgement, guided me and helped me purge those feelings of “I’m not good enough” stream of consciousness that was always lurking in the back of my mind. I always felt safe, guided and supported. That evening, I made a conscious decision to turn the corner in my own creative process. I felt elated – relieved actually, as I knew I’d made the right decision.”

~ T, Recording artist, Chicago IL


Your Teacher – Elizabeth Sloan

As a young woman, I embarked on a music career, determined to be successful. I had written some great songs and found some wonderful collaborators in Los Angeles. However, I lacked the self-esteem and self-worth needed to achieve the kind of success I'd dreamed of. I was playing with my band in clubs in Hollywood, wishing the ground would open up and swallow me. Not giving it 100%. I was terrified, even though I loved the music. I stopped performing and spent the next few years working as a makeup artist, a photographer and a video producer, supporting high-profile artists who were having the kind of success I had earlier dreamed of. I was privy to some of their troubles and internal struggles. Back then, I wasn't in a position to help them but now I know I can. I have proved that inner peace is possible through my own transformation.

After a huge spiritual awakening in 2020, my heart expanded, and my intuition opened up. As I grow and evolve, I become more and more useful to my clients. Using Energy Healing and EFT, I can usually resolve the issues that my clients bring to me, whether in person or on Zoom. The 2020 lockdown closing of my clinic location forced me online, and I found that I really loved working remotely. Now, I’m delighted to say I have clients all over the world.