Come and join us
Friday September 8th at 2:00pm
Green Mountain Retreat in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains
Embodying the Wisdom Within
Womb, Earth, and Divine Connection
Coming to the Bay Area in September – a healing circle for women+ to release fear and pain from the womb centers of their bodies.
Healing the world starts with healing ourselves. Emotional pain and suffering didn’t start with you, but you can do a lot to break the cycle. Clearing some of the pain and suffering from our own bodies allies us with humanity’s powerful shift towards wholeness and balance. It also helps us share alignment with the needs of our beautiful planet, honoring Earth’s needs at this transformational time.
Join with the sacred circle of community and healing. Here we embrace the sacredness of the womb and strengthen our bond with our beloved Mother Earth. Open your heart to an empowering gathering, beckoning you to step into your role as Earth Keeper and guardian of our planet amidst these swift winds of change.
I definitely feel a more sense of calm in my life, a motivation and a quiet confidence after the healing of the womb ceremony. I love the New Moon ritual & will remember to follow-up and use your healing words as well. Thank you again.
~ Lori A. Malibu, Ca
“I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know what a beautiful experience I had. What a great group of women! The healing energy was so strong and I walked away feeling clearer and more at peace.
Thank you so much for leading such a special experience.
~ Amber S, Lake Oswego, OR
Through the Rite of the Womb, we release pain and suffering from our bodies. This clearing allows us to feel more grounded and centered. By clearing fear and pain, and by aligning with unconditional love, we break the cycle of generations of suffering for families, our ancestors, oppressed women+ everywhere and for our children – for our creative endeavors and for ourselves, birthed into new life. From this place, we can feel more creativity, more fellowship, and a deeper knowledge of our own potential. Our presence feels more significant, and our bodies connect deeply with the eternal womb of Mother Earth.
In harmonizing our personal energies with hers, we play an indispensable part in supporting her during this pivotal phase of transformation. As we give birth to personal insights, we embark upon an extraordinary path of self-discovery and a stronger desire to be stewards of our planet.
The Earth Keeper Ritual, offered by Mikki Bazurto Green, offers a powerful activation with Mother Earth to bring you further into alignment with her energies. Mikki has developed a strong relationship with the Earth and deep insights into her needs and how we can harmonize with her. We relax and enjoy this enhanced connection with ourselves, each other and Gaia after a short break to move around and integrate the Rite of the Womb.
As we find ourselves at a crossroads now, human history has never been more exciting than this. The realization and empowerment of the divine feminine energies are indispensable for our precious planet. We have an extraordinary opportunity now! We have more power than we may realize. We invite women+ who possess not only the capacity to illuminate their own inner light, but also the courage to embrace their sacred roles as Earth Keepers.
Together, we co-create a future where all flourish and thrive in harmonious coexistence.
“I've noticed a huge shift in mindset and overall attitude towards the day and just life in general. You have such an amazing gift. I'm happy to hear others getting to receive this from you. I'm feeling overall much more positive and grateful for what the day brings me.” ~
Vyvyan D. Portland, OR.
“I have felt more at peace and relaxed in the world. It’s a good feeling! It was a truly lovely group of women - and it makes sense that you attracted them!
It was smooth, organized, easy, moving, and powerful - without pretension.”
~Linda C., Portland OR
join the circle: $197
When we reach an ideal number for the size of the space and the healing circle, invitations will be deferred to the next circle, which will be announced soon.
green mountain retreat, santa cruz mountains, CA.
Link to map
The Rite of the Womb was passed to shaman Marcela Lobos by a lineage of women who have freed themselves from pain and suffering. They want us to remember:
The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is a place to create and give birth to life.
The Rite of the Womb is part of the Munay-ki initiations, a body of wisdom that come from the spiritual Andes. The Munay-Ki are ten rites which prepare us to birth ourselves wholly into the times to come. Any person who is eager to remember this vital truth in her+ body is welcome to receive the Rite. Once she/they receives the Rite of the Womb she/they is/are part of the lineage of Womb Keepers.
Earth Keeper Ritual
The Divine Feminine is the healing feminine force that connects people to Mother Nature, other people, and all energy sources. It is an interwoven essence that speaks to our authentic power as women.
Today we get to know more about our worth, our power. This is why you are here. We are the Spirit of our world. We hold an important key to moving humanity forward.
This is so important for not just you but so many others in the world. We, as women, create. And, even if we haven’t used our womb to create a human being - the womb is a creation center that does so much more.
We are here to develop self-acceptance, confidence and gratitude. We can’t be our best without it. We can’t evolve as easily and gracefully without it.
The feminine aspect of who we are is rising. You are being called to be the most authentic YOU.
In becoming Womb Keepers, we also become stewards of life, and we can feel our own creativity expanding. Our children and our creations are no longer in a lineage of fear and conflict, but the children and creations of light, with natural inclinations to be aligned with Earth keepers.
Let’s heal our womb spaces, the creative centers of our bodies. Let’s expand this healing to our mothers’, sisters’, girlfriends’ and daughters’ wombs. And to the womb of the Earth and of the Divine Mother. In this way, let’s offer healing to Mother Earth and all living beings.
As the forgotten wisdom of the womb, our creative center, is restored, we can confidently create the world we desire.