“ You are more powerful than you know, and your unique creativity deserves to be expressed to the fullest. ”
Hello, you wonderful, amazing woman.
I see you bringing your crazy-beautiful music into the world. I know it's not always easy to feel like you're making progress, to know you're on the right track. Well, I want to introduce you to a way to show the world who you really are. Without having to invent a character for yourself to play. You can be authentic in expressing your art. You can show the world all of who you are and what you can bring without fear of rejection, scorn or indifference. You can access your powerful authenticity – it comes from a powerfully loving embrace of yourself, your art and your followers.
The only voice that matters is your own, because all creativity springs from there. Even if you have collaborators, it starts with you. Your voice is your own individual expression of the Universal Creative flow that inhabits all things to a greater or lesser degree. This flow is filtered through your unique life experience.
The result is your own magnificent manifestation of greatness. If you are writing songs, or making any kind of art, you have felt this flow. You know what it's like when you can feel the song come together, like following a trail of gold and precious gems shining in the darkness. Now learn to trust its presence in you, and allow it to amplify to fulfill your dreams of creative achievement.
Learn key tools to overcome blocks to creativity; like self-doubt, fear of being vulnerable, and lack of self-worth
Collaborate with your subconscious mind to believe you are already successful and that it’s your birthright.
Build a real relationship with your creativity from the inside out
Access your one true expression that is yours alone among the wider realm of creativity in the world
How do your personal values fit into your creative work?
Use the power of neuroplasticity by adopting powerful, enjoyable guided meditations and writing practices that tell your heart and mind that you are already in love with life.
Become willing to commit to a sustainable practice that sustains your creative life and your self-belief.